A mysterious red light switch allows unsuspecting New Yorkers to turn on more than 50,000 Christmas lights... that's more than three miles of lights!

This is one of over 100 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past ten years in New York City!

Others include 'Frozen Grand Central,' the 'Food Court Musical,' and the famous 'No Pants Subway Ride,' to name a few.

For their latest mission, they placed a 7-foot-tall light switch in New York City's Father Demo Square. When a random New Yorker flipped the switch, the entire square lit up with Christmas lights.

Watch the video below now to see all the magic!

I don't know which lit up more, the kid's faces or the lights in the park!  :D

Fun fact: One of the participants frozen in place is eating a Cheeto every single time. His decision!

You can visit Improv Everywhere's website to see tons of photos and video of all of their work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made.

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