Seriously, why wouldn't you want FREE food?  Just click here and get signed up!

So here's how we do it: Every Wednesday we pick one lucky listener to take part in our KROC Listener Lunch at McGoon’s Pub & Restaurant in downtown Rochester!

If we happen pick you, you can invite up to 5 other people to join me, Scotty Matthews, from 11:30-12:30!  (Sorry, the time is non-negotiable.  You wouldn't want me to miss my on-air shift would you?... actually, don't answer that.)

Congratulations to this weeks winner - Jill Hagedorn!

Win a FREE Lunch with Scotty!
Win a FREE Lunch with Scotty!


This week was SO much fun.  Jill and her friends were awesome, and they even made this cool sign to say thank you!  Wish we could have had another hour to hang out ladies, you were all a hoot.

By the way, if you recognize anyone in the picture above, please be sure to ask them about their experience at McGoon’s and then register for your own chance to win!

All the food there rocks, so just click here to see McGoon’s delicious menu and to sign up to eat for FREE next week!

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