2015 is winding down. All of the holidays over the next few weeks are about taking stock. Maybe you've taken a family photo and you're writing that annual letter updating family, friends and co-workers about how the year has gone. Has it been a grind?

If 2016 is a year for change, head over here and check out the KROC Job Fair.

Me with my kids; Justin, Ethan and Bella
Me with my kids; Justin, Ethan and Bella

About.com has put together a list of the 8 Surprising Traits of the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs. Looking over the traits on the list - they're all pretty basic and simple. I want to pass them along to my kids now.

Here are the top three on the list:

3. They're extremely curious. Isn't that something we want our kids to hang on to? From high school on, I think I want my kids to keep asking questions and wonder.

2. They embrace failure. One of the most famous stories I've ever heard is how long it took Edison to invent the light bulb. Something like a hundred or more tries. When he was asked about it, he said that he discovered about a hundred different ways that didn't work. My boys love that new The Karate Kid movie. One of Jackie Chan's best lines in the movie is about how a person gets up after falling down.

1. They listen more than they speak. Do your kids have significant hearing loss, too? Isn't it an old proverb that, "closed mouth equals open mind"?

Check out the other traits here.

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