What You Can Get For $250k in Rochester, MN vs Rochester, NY
The housing market has skyrocketed here in Rochester over the past few years. Home values are up nearly 10% in the last year. With that being said, the median list price in Rochester, Minnesota currently is around $250,000. Here's what you can get in Minnesota for that price verse New York.
In Minnesota, you can get "an exceptionally well-maintained one-owner model home with neutral colors" - Zillow. It's your typical split-level, 4 bed, 2 bath home in the Northwest part of town.
And in New York, a "Majestic Park Ave brick Colonial with stately rooms" - Zillow. This house has tons of character and 1,000 square feet more than the Minnesota home. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
Which house do you like more?
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