If you keep scrolling, I'll explain why I find this new trend so annoying...

Which what you'd be doing anyways because you clicked on the link to find out why in the first place, am I right? See how redundant this all is?

That's basically what I was thinking this weekend as I was aimlessly roaming around on the interwebs while my daughter was napping and found the new "Passengers" trailer on my Facebook news feed.

After I clicked on the link, I was greeted with 5 extra seconds at the beginning of the video of something that resembled a trailer, but not quite, only to then jump into the actual trailer... ummm, what just happened?

See for yourself if you're still confused:

See?! Wasn't that just kind of odd? Here's another example:

Look Hollywood, or YouTube, or whoever's pushing these silly things: I don't need to be drawn in with more explosions, or previews on who's in the film or any nonsense like that. When someone clicks on a Youtube, Reddit etc. or any kind of link, they're going to watch whatever they clicked on. They don't need to be convinced to watch the trailer AFTER they've clicked on the link.

Maybe it's because both movies star Chris Pratt, or maybe it's because of some weird marketing strategy that I can't fully understand? But what I do know, is this whole Inception-like 'trailer inside a trailer' nonsense needs to stop because it's just annoying and it's slowing me down from watching more videos.

Also, don't trailers don't need introductions:

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