A woman dropped a bunch of old electronics off at the local recycling plant in California after her husband passed away.  What she didn't know is that this old computer in her pile of junk...was worth over $200,000!

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This is the Apple 1.  It was the first computer created by Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak .

Originally, it was worth $666.66... But now, it's worth over $200,000!  It is said only a few dozen of the computers still exist today!

In any case, the woman refused a receipt so the plant doesn't have her information... BUT, they said they know what she looks like and they'll give her half of what the computer is worth as it's their policy to split valuable "junk" with their previous owner 50/50.

You can read more of the story here...

I'd start checking those old Rubbermaid totes tonight, because you might be hiding some serious cash in your house right now!

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