You Won’t Believe The Most Purchased Product in Minnesota
Let's run through some of the most random things on the list before we get to Minnesota. You just keep guessing, because I bet you won't get it. ;) When you put into consideration that this study was done over SOME of these things make sense.
The lava lamp made a comeback in Ohio. Colorado was trying to determine their nationality with the Ancestry DNA Test. Oddly enough, in North Dakota, the most purchased item was glue (whaaat?). The kids out in New Jersey were splurging on Diet Coke. New Mexico is growing their hair with extensions. So what is it in Minnesota?
It would make sense if it was salt for your driveway, snow blowers or even an ice scraper, but it's not. Then again, people MAY be using this product for their driveway - I've heard you can. Wait, isn't that cat litter? We must just be animal lovers up here. The most purchased product in Minnesota is cat food.
Check out what other states purchased the most according to Earny by clicking here.
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