...while those born in other years listed in this story will live the longest. It all has to do with the sun, and we're not talking astrology.

Maybe pregnant women should just wrap these all around their bellies?
Maybe pregnant women should just wrap these all around their bellies?

We're talking radiation, and some years its radiation is worse than others. While the exact reason the sun's activity leading to lower life spans hasn't been pinpointed, we know that UV radiation is bad for us humans in general; not only born but unborn. Just as adults get exposed to UV rays all the time, babies still in the womb do too. Those UV rays are thought to break down folic acid, leading to less cell development during pregnancy. And in the years when the sun is more active than others, those same unborn babies are exposed to more rays, developing less cells and ultimately living shorter lives.

"Hey dad, I was born in 2014, I'll be ok, right?
"Hey dad, I was born in 2014, I'll be ok, right?

So, if you were born in the unlucky years of 1957, 1968, 1979, 1989, 2000, and 2013, you were exposed to more than normal levels of UV rays. On average, we will (yeah, I was born in '79...) live an average of 5.2 years less.

It works the other way, too. Those born in 1954, 1964, 1976, 1986, 1996, and 2008 were exposed to less radiation from the sun, meaning they have a better chance of living longer than most, though researchers were unsure by just how much.

No matter the sun's level of radiation in any given year, and this should kinda go without saying, but if you're pregnant: DON'T TAN! You'll just accelerate this process!

Check out the details here (LiveScience.com)

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