Johanna Watkins has spent the last year isolated in her bedroom, which is wrapped in plastic, away from her husband and everything else. 

The 29-year-old Minnesota woman was diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome. Ever heard of it? Neither had I. Your body's mast cells release chemicals to trigger your immune system. Watkins' release the wrong chemicals at the wrong time.

According to Fox News, "One to 15 percent of the general population could have MCAS, but most people are undiagnosed and instead told they have multiple inflammatory disorders, like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue."

Unfortunately, Johanna hasn't responded to treatment. She stays in the bedroom, leaving only to visit the doctor.

Watkins' is also super sensitive to odors so Scott cannot use their kitchen. He says he is currently renovating a house with an apartment upstairs so that his wife can live comfortably.  In the meantime, they are relying on the support they get from friends and neighbors. Scott says a handful of neighbors have given him the keys to their place so he can come whenever to prepare meals for his family.


The family has started a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money to build the custom  living space for Johanna.

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