Last night in Rochester, a huge crowd of people gathered at the Peace Plaza to just show love and connect with others in the community while showing support for the victims in this weekend's tragic, senseless shooting in Orlando. 

All differences were put aside and people just came together. It was beautiful to be a part of. It was heartbreaking to be a part of. It made me happy to be a part of. There were high school and college students, parents, children, and grandparents, police, members of the community, business owners, the Mayor, city council members, people that live in town, people that are just visiting town, people of every color, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and political views, all united by love and trying to feel that sense of togetherness we all need at times like this.

It was beautiful and moving and I know anything I type can't do it justice, but it was so awesome to be a part of. There were speeches and songs, moments of silence, some tears, some hugs and, most importantly, lots of love and hope. It was such a great reminder that we are all in this together!

Quincy Nang, one of the people who put the event together, said he and some friends were trying to pull together a carpool to go an event like this in Minneapolis and realized, that they could put something together right here in Rochester, so they did and opened it up to the community.

He said  "It's a matter of human rights. It's a matter of all of us. It doesn't matter which community you belong to, who you love, what faith, what building to go to for worship, not even which country you come from. It's a matter of human rights and the fact that we are all here and we are all sharing loss."

After all the great speakers, Quincy closed out the night with this quote. "As you go home today, ensure that the seed of sorrow that was planted today grows into a tree of love and not of hate."

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