A young lady, who's clearly beautiful inside and out, conducted an independent project, which evidently turned into a social experiment halfway through, regarding beauty at my performing arts high school in Chicago.

She wanted to clarify that her intentions were not to get a reaction out of people, but was simply filming what she thought was beauty... and this was the result:

After I'd met and dated my then girlfriend, now my wife, I called her beautiful for the first time...

Well, let's just say she smiled bigger than I've ever seen her smile before and even admitted to me that she'd NEVER had anyone say that to her before. I didn't really believe her, but the more I did it, the more she'd smile in a way that made me think she was maybe telling the truth. Which, if you think about it, that's really SAD.

Everyone deserves to feel how these people did in the video when they heard those words; you're beautiful.

Try it yourself. You might just make someone's whole day :D

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