How cool is this?!  Can you find Waldo?

I remember getting my first "Where's Waldo" book when I was around 8 or 9 years old.  My family was making our first trip out west to Seattle to visit my grandparents, and I'm sure they were thinking "this outta shut this kid up for a couple hours in the car"... and it did!  I mean, all those books were AWESOME!!

They were so popular that they even spawned a short-lived cartoon series on CBS... remember this??

Ugh, I know... it was so bad.  I know because I watched it!

Fast-forward 25 years and we now have a real-life, and interactive version of "Where's Waldo" that was shot with a GoPro at several different locations!  Although I don't think we're going to see any flying carpets with this version?  But you never know!

Check it out:

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