That's the response a guy in Japan got from his 29 year old wife after she "forced" him to watch it and he thought it was only, "okay."  She's been living with her parents for a few weeks, but before she left she stated that, "if you don't like "Frozen", then there's something wrong with you as a HUMAN BEING!

Woman crying, leaves husband after he thinks "Frozen" was just "Okay"
...yes mom, then he said Toy Story wasn't "very realistic"! Can I stay with you?
-Getty Images

Granted, we're only getting half of the story.  The guy says he was a literature major in college, and did a paper on "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen, the story "Frozen" is based on. So maybe he's a little partial to the book over the movie and being a snob about it, but is that really worth having your wife leave you?  Just tell her a little fib that you thought it was great and move on!  At the very least, you could just PRETEND to like it, and react like these Marines!

That just seems like an insane thing to split up about, but then again, I've once stood my ground that White Cheddar Cheez-Its were the far-superior cheese-themed cracker over Colby Jack(which they ARE.).

Got a movie you love that your other half thinks you're stupid for even remotely enjoying?

Get the rest of this chaos here(Gawker)

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