100 Mile Long Garage Sale Happening Near Rochester this Weekend
This weekend is the 23rd year of the 100 Mile Garage Sale! If you're a bargain hunter this is definitely for you.
The 100 Mile Garage Sale is a huge garage sale that happens every year where families, businesses, and churches pull out all of the stuff they want to sell and have one giant garage sale together. This garage sale is insane, it extends from Hastings to Winona!
It runs along the Mississippi River and the Minnesota side isn't the only side that takes part in this garage sale, so if you head over there this weekend make sure to hop over to the Wisconsin side for even more insane deals.
You can check out what's being sold and where on the 100 Mile Garage Sale website.
Source: KTTC
Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC weekdays 9am-noon!