I am blessed to be married to an amazing woman. I often tell her she's the strongest person I know because of how much she can handle. Her strength has been on full display as our family has been working from home for over 50 days now. We've got two young children, she's a high school teacher, and she's married to me - that's a lot to handle!

A recent survey conducted by Today reveals:

  • 60% of moms are stressed because they don’t have time to do everything that needs to get done
  • 46% of moms say their husbands cause them more stress than their kids do.
  • 72% of moms stress out about how stressed they are right now.

This Mother's Day will be unlike any other, but I am going to do everything I can to make it spectacular. You should make sure your mom or the mother of your children gets the royal treatment too because moms are stressed out right now!

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