It's something even the youngest of web-surfers are finding out: There's nothing you can't learn to do on the Internet, and that includes how to operate a vehicle.

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According to this article from the Weirton Daily Times, an eight-year-old boy from East Palestine, Ohio, used YouTube videos to learn how to drive his father’s van on Sunday.

But if that wasn't enough, authorities said once he thought he'd mastered his new set of skills, he decided to take the van for a spin with his four-year-old sister and head to McDonald’s to grab himself... what else, a cheeseburger!

Thankfully, while en route to the restaurant the children didn't hit anyone or anything, while even obeying all the necessary traffic laws as they turned into the McDonald's parking lot.

A family friend who was inside the restaurant spotted the children and called their grandparents, who later picked them up.

No charges were filed and the kids were able to eat their McDonald's while waiting for their grandparents, the Times reported.

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