You're in a relationship. Do you break up now, before Christmas, or wait until after?

Are you thinking about a break-up?

The website Information Is Beautiful looked at social media (Facebook), created an algorithm and found that there are two times a year that a person is most likely to have a breakup: Spring Break and Christmas.

Both times make sense. If you're the one doing the "dumping", then you're free to move on to good times solo. "Let the good times roll, bay-bay!" Not so much if you're the one being dumped.

Surprisingly, according to an informal survey by Women's Health, ladies are more open to a breakup this time of year, because "it's the right thing to do." Guys don't want to be mean right before the two biggest holidays of the year, Christmas and New Year's.

Women are pretty smart about things like that, I guess.

Dave Berg and his daughter, Bella
Dave Berg and his daughter, Bella

If you're a smart woman and want that relationship to last, as in a long-lasting, committed relationship - as in the "M" word (SPOILER ALERT: "marriage" case you were wondering) - get a degree. The Pew Research Center found that college educated women are twice as likely to be married for 20 years or more. Women with a bachelor's degree have a 78% probability of a long-lasting marriage. Women with only a high school diploma or less education only have a 40% chance.

That's what I tell my kids: Be smart! Get good grades in school and go to college for a degree before getting serious about a "relationship"...Actually, I tell them to be smart like their Mom - she wound up with ME! They all ask to be excused from the dinner table after that, I don't know why...

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