Can You Tell if These Minnesota Town Names are Real or Made Up?
With names like Kiester and even Climax, it's hard to believe all of these are even actual real names of towns.
However, those towns weren’t the most unusual, according to Estately, but they did make the list of strangest town names in Minnesota, with Little Canada being the "weirdest":
Now if you've ever traveled across Minnesota and paid attention to the road signs, then you'd catch a few weird names here and there as well because we have our fair share of amazing and ridiculous town names…for instance, we have Wabasha (pronounced Wah-ba-shaw not Wah-bash-ah) and Oronoco, just to name a couple.
Plus, according to Only in Your State, we're not the only state that has strangely named towns... places like Why, Arizona; Boring, Oregon; Hygiene, Colorado; and Intercourse Pennsylvania, are out there too.
So let’s find out how well you know Minnesota and our strangely named towns by taking the quiz below..