Check Your Specs – Amazon to Recall Some Eclipse Glasses One Week Before Event
Next Monday, August 21, the entire country will be ready for a major solar eclipse.
No matter where you are, you’ll be able to experience it, but not everyone’s experience will be exactly the same. But now there could be another issue hampering your overall viewing experience...
According to this article, Amazon has issued a recall for some, but not all of their eclipse glasses sold on its website that may not have come from a recommended manufacturer.
CNET first reported that Amazon began notifying customers via email about the unverified glasses and warning them not to use the product for the total solar eclipse this month.
Customers who purchased the questionable glasses will receive a refund.
NASA had already warned the public that many eclipse glasses on the market could be fake, and they recommended buying from one of the following five manufacturers: American Paper Optics, Baader Planetarium (AstroSolar Silver/Gold film only), Rainbow Symphony, Thousand Oaks Optical, or TSE 17.
The American Astronomical Society offers details as to how to make sure your eclipse glasses are safe. You can see that information by clicking HERE.
Not sure where supplies are at at the Rochester Public Library, but you can also call and ask to see if they are still offering free shades as well!