Update On Chester Woods Park, Beach, and Campground
My family loves Chester Woods. We spend a ton of time at the beach, hiking, and canoeing there each summer. I was hoping the beach would provide a nice retreat for us this summer as most other activities are being canceled. We will still spend time at the park, but unfortunately the beach won't be an option this year.
In an Olmsted County Press Release, County Park Superintendent Karlin Ziegler said, “The beach and beach house will be closed for the whole summer. Campgrounds will open on June 1. We hope to offer watercraft rentals to some degree and will keep our website updated as we have more information.”
Chester Woods Park Manager Tom Eckdahl, "We encourage folks to visit Chester Woods and enjoy our trails by safely staying six feet away from others. We have 15 miles of primitive trails that run through prairies, woodlands, and wetlands. Eight-and-a-half miles of those trails can be used for equestrians and we have three miles of trails that can be shared with dogs on a leash.”
New to Chester Woods Park in 2020 is a dog park, where people can let their dog off of its leash to run and practice water training. May 26th is the 25th anniversary of the park opening. To celebrate, entry fees are being waived that day.
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