Did Justin Timberlake Really Just Say ‘That’ in Minnesota?
That's it, we're done here.
When asked if he’ll be rooting for his friend Tom Brady and the New England Patriots during Super Bowl LII, Halftime Show performer Justin Timberlake uttered three words that'll make any Vikings fan shiver with disgust... “Go Pack Go.”
Yep, he went there.
JT proclaimed his allegiance to Packers Nation during his Halftime Show press conference in downtown Minneapolis Thursday afternoon... a.k.a. The HEART of Vikings football.
I remember reading something back in the day about Justin being a Packers fan and I must have blocked it out of my mind... but when he uttered those three hideous words, in OUR house no-less, I still couldn't believe it.
I mean, his own wife is from Minnesota! Now I can't confirm she's a Vikings fan, but didn't she at least warn him about any possible backlash about being in a state that bleeds purple? We just lost the chance to play in the Super Bowl two weeks ago, and now he's got to rub even more salt in the wound? Ugh.
Not cool JT, not cool!
Oh who am I kidding, I still love him. Besides, my wife wouldn't let me back in the house if I didn't feel the same way she does about him. Packers fan or not, I guess he can stay... for now.
(Source: FOX 9)
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