Do Minnesota Parents Really Favor One Child Over Another?
You're not going to like this.
If you always kinda suspected your parents loved your younger brother or sister more than you... then I have some bad news, because it's probably true! My brother and I have always argued about who mom and dads favorite is and now science has gone and proved what I've always feared.
According to a new survey, a quarter of parents admit they have a favorite child. And here's who it is:
- Their youngest child, 56%
- Their oldest child, 26%
- The middle child, or one of the middle kids, 18%
So what makes them pick a favorite? The majority of them say it's because that kid makes them LAUGH the most... and 41% say it's because their favorite kid reminds them the most of themselves. Here's where I thought I would have the upper hand being the older sibling because I'm definitely BOTH of those, so I'm going to call b.s. on this so-called "study". Granted this study doesn't single out just Minnesota parents, but I thought our "Minnesota Nice" mentality would even the playing field a bit and rule out playing favorites with our kids. I thought wrong.
I even showed my mom this survey and she just laughed at me... so much for getting a straight answer.