I've never really understood why reporters and weathermen have to be outside during storms or in subzero weather.  Do they think we won't believe them that it's windy or cold? I actually kind of feel bad every time I see Randy Brock standing on the weather patio freezing his butt off. Go inside Randy, we know it's cold!

This story is actually from a couple of months ago but I just saw it and thought I would share. The news team in Duluth always broadcasts live from the town's Christmas parade.  (Who's brilliant idea was it to have a parade in the middle of winter in Duluth?)


Look at them all bundled up broadcasting in the freezing temps before the parade.  LIARS!  Apparently it was too cold for them this year. They're actually in front of a green screen.  The entire broadcast was conducted in the cozy confines of their studio.  Viewers aren't dumb. They realized what was happening and took to the station's facebook page.



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