Efforts are Underway to Legalize Marijuana in Minnesota
The controversial topic of legalizing marijuana has become a mainstay ever since other states have legalized it. Now some Minnesota groups are looking to make it legal in the state. The Minnesota Campaign for Full Legalization is hosting a Caucus for Cannabis training in Rochester. It will be held at the Rochester Public Library on Saturday, February 3 from 12:30-3:00 pm.
The Minnesota Campaign for Full Legalization is looking to "end prohibition by organizing statewide & advocating for an adult personal use industry & homegrowing via constitutional amendment."
Their Facebook event states:
WHY: If you want to help end ‘marijuana’ prohibition, one of the most impactful things you can do this year is to attend your Precinct Caucus meeting on Tuesday, February 6. We need Minnesotans in all 134 State House Districts to bring a RESOLUTION to your Precinct Caucus urging either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party (whichever party you choose to Caucus with) to prioritize the issue of fully legalizing cannabis on their legislative agenda. We also need as many people as possible to become a DELEGATE at both your House District convention (to be scheduled some time in the spring) where you’ll have a vote to endorse candidates for State Representive, and also at the State Convention on June 1, 2018, where you’ll vote to endorse candidates for Governor of Minnesota.
Thoughts on this? Should it be legalized? Colorado became the first state to legalize it and has had its bouts of challenges. Here's how it is going for them.