Garage Sale to Raise Funds for Ross Grobe Memorial Scholarship
I will never forget receiving the call. It was early in the morning, and one of my best friends from high school is calling.
It was one of Ross' cousins, Jess. I could hear it in her voice. Something was seriously wrong. When she told me what had happened, my heart stopped. It hurt me and I barely knew him. I couldn't imagine the pain his family felt, and still deals with everyday. His whole family, and the small knit community of Elgin, were all very shaken by this tragic event.
Ross graduated with my sister. He was a few years younger than I, but when you go to such a small school, there's not a single person you don't know. Ross was a character plus, he was a Grobe. Everyone knew and loved him! He was awesome at sports (as all the Grobes are), and he had a huge smile, an even bigger heart.
It was the first time I had to report something like that on the radio. It was WAY too close to home. I knew Ross was gone before our news department had even heard about it. I tried to ignore it all morning. Like not reporting it on the air would somehow mean it didn't happen.
It has been six years since Ross was killed in a semi-pedestrian accident. Since then, his family has selflessly found ways to give back in Ross' name. Over the weekend, during Elgin Cheese Days, you can stop by a garage sale put on by Ross' aunt. All the proceeds will be donated to the scholarship fund that is in Ross' name at Plainview-Elgin-Millville high school.
The garage sale is on 5th Ave. NW in Elgin on Friday, June 16 from 8a - 5p AND Saturday 8a - 1 p.
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