Giant Candy Factory Coming to Wisconsin!
The international candy maker will have its first factory in the U.S. in the near future. Here are all the details.
First of all, yay! This is awesome news. I love Haribo. They are best known for their gummies.
According to WGN-TV, "the $242 million, 500,000 square foot planned Haribo factory is expected to be fully operational in Kenosha County, WI by 2020."
According to Investopedia, "HARIBO currently produces gummy creatures and liquorice candy across 16 locations across the globe, averaging 100 million gummy bears a day."
Not only will the factory help employ around 400 people in Southeast Wisconsin, but think about it people - we will be able to get tours, and get free samples, and see how the gummy bear is really made. Am I the only one super pumped about this?