Have You Been Called for Jury Duty in Minnesota?
I have, but apparently I'm one of the few...
Watching "The People VS OJ Simpson" made me appreciate a jury so much more. Could you imagine being locked in a hotel with no TV, no internet, no outside contact at all? To give up your life for days, months, possibly years? To be part of something that most only see on TV!
In 2016, less than 4% of Minnesotans were called in for jury duty. According to MinnPost, "Minnesota’s jury summons rate is among the lowest in the nation. The national average is 15 percent."
I was "summoned" in 2015. Two thoughts went through my head:
1. OMG, I'm going to be part of this incredible process...
2. OMG, I'm going to miss work for HOW LONG?
Most people I've talked to about jury duty say the same thing. It's a hassle, it's boring, it's long. I went through all the boring stuff, and unfortunately didn't make the cut!
Have you been called for jury duty? Did you actually take part in the trial? Did you hate or love the opportunity?
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