Have You Discovered Bath Bombs Yet?
A few months ago, I discovered bath bombs. Where have these been all my life?! A friend told me about them and now I am addicted. Did you know about them or was I the only person living under a rock? If you are not familiar with them, they're all the rage right now. Places like Bath and Body Works, even Hy-Vee carries them. You can get some that are specific for kids that have surprises on the inside of them after they dissolve!
Bath bombs are balls made with various ingredients that are compacted and when placed in a tub - fizz or dissolve into the water adding fragrance, bubbles or color to the water. Some are decorated so beautifully you almost don't want to use them! There are some that even look like cupcakes. It's just amazing! You can also make your own bath bomb. Here's a recipe from "WhatsUpMom" that you can do with your kids:
The best part is when you place it in the water. The fizzing is really cool.