As the holiday season comes upon us, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle and bustle of the holiday festivities and shopping. Holiday blues is a real thing. There's a lot of contributing factors to it, seasonal affective disorder, depression and previous loss of family or friends. Sometimes its just tough to make it to a holiday party.

Dr. Amit Sood, a physician at Mayo Clinic shares how the holidays can cause stress:

Every year as Christmas gets closer, I miss my grandfather and it reminds me that he is gone. He passed away right before Christmas, December 2015. He was my hero and a light to this world. If you're feeling especially blue this holiday season due to the passing of a loved one, here's a list of books that might be helpful.

Below are some additional ideas on how to battle any holiday blue that might creep up:




  • ThinkStock

    Don't spend the holidays alone

    Let your friends and family know you need support. The best place to be when sad is with others that can give you the love you need.

  • Credit: Thinkstock
    Credit: Thinkstock

    Don't overdo it

    Whether it be the Christmas gifts, dinner plans and events - set a limit. You don't have to overspend or show up to every event.

  • Wavebreak Media
    Wavebreak Media

    Exercise and eat healthy

    This is tough to do during the holiday extravagant meals but everything in moderation, right? Enjoy the treats but limit it too. Get to the gym to help relieve some stress.

  • Thinkstock

    Meditate or yoga

    Taking a moment to connect with yourself and center is good for the core self.

  • Sean Prior
    Sean Prior

    When all else fails, call a professional

    If nothing is working and you're feeling down in the dumps - call a professional. Your doctor or mental health professional can assist.

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