Is it Illegal in Minnesota to Break a Car Window to Rescue Dogs?
We've all witnessed one of the worst things a dog owner can do to their pup - leave them in a hot car. It may seem harmless to leave them for a few minutes, but the temperature in the car skyrockets in a matter of minutes and can become fatal. Did you know that it takes less than an hour for the temperature inside a car (even with an open window) to double when it's just 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside? So that raises the question - what do YOU do when you see a dog in a hot car? Can you break the window to save its life?
Technically, no. Believe it or not, here in Minnesota it is against the law to break a window. Even in the attempt to save a life. You must call 911, and then authorities are allowed to break the window. Wisconsin is the only state in the Midwest with the "Good Samaritan" law allowing anybody to take action to save an animal according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund.