Is Prince’s Music Coming to Spotify/Other Streaming Services?
music is reportedly going to be available on streaming services on February 12.
According to rumors, Prince’s entire catalog is coming to services such as Apple Music, Google Play and Spotify.
For years, Prince was famously against streaming services, arguing the musician never benefits from them.
While an official announcement has not been made, purple Spotify billboards around New York City's Union Station are hinting at the release.
Prince wound up selling more records than any other artist in 2016, with 2.2 million albums sold. But he did a lot of sales online, too, with more than 1 million digital song downloads and 200,000 digital album sales via sites like iTunes and Amazon just in the first day after his death.
I don't know about you, but if this is true, I'm ready to crank it up to some Prince real soon!