Latest Update On Highway-52 Construction Project in Minnesota

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) just posted an update about the progress of that major Highway-52 road construction project north of Rochester.
If you've driven along Highway-52 north of Rochester since this spring, you know there are more than just a couple of construction projects underway. They're all part of MnDOT's three-year plan that will replace several bridges and intersections as well as rebuild major sections of that busy highway.
And, now MnDOT has provided us a mid-summer construction progress report, as they called it, on their Facebook page. One of the major projects has been the construction of a new overpass at the Highway-57 intersection near Hader.
According to MnDOT photos, you can see the progress below, as the new Highway-52 overpass over Highway-57 begins to take shape:
And, of course, there's also the new County Road 14 frontage road that's been under construction that will lead to the new intersection and way to travel both north and southbound on Highway-52:
But the progress doesn't stop there! Another construction zone on Highway-52 this year has been just south of Zumbrota, as crews replace the southbound Highway-52 bridge over Highway-60. (The northbound bridge was replaced last year)
Both of these projects are just part of that massive three-year construction project on Highway-52. (This is the second year of the project.) You can get more information about the entire project HERE.
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