Last week, KROC afternoon guy, Lew, posted about LeVar Burton's attempt to resurrect the old 80s & 90s kids show "Reading Rainbow" in some way, shape or form. Well, he's off to a great start!

Burton launched a fundraising campaign on crowd funding website Kickstarter to try to raise $1 million to create a new "Reading Rainbow" digital version of the popular show of yesteryear.

Well, according to a story in AdWeek, Burton has been ultra-successful in his attempt. His campaign blew right past the initial $1 million target, raising $2 million in funding - IN JUST ONE DAY!

Having blasted through that initial mark, Burton has upped the ante, raising the goal for the campaign to $5 million. While this new digital version of the show will be subscription-based, the idea behind raising money via Kickstarter, supposedly, is to be able to subsidize costs so that teachers and schools will be able to access the new digital content for free.

What happens next? We'll have to wait and see. Perhaps "Reading Rainbow" will ride again, with LeVar Burton behind the wheel.

So, if you could raise $2 million to bring back any show from the past, which show would you choose to revive?

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