For MN Kids Meet Popular American Ninja at Weekend Med City FC Soccer Match
This is an exciting week for kids and soccer in Rochester, Minnesota. The undefeated Med City FC has two games in Rochester, both Wednesday (tonight) and Saturday when the night will sizzle with a special guest star hanging out to meet you and your family.
Meet Roo Yori, the K-9 Ninja from American Ninja
Rochester's own Roo Yori is, of course, famous in these parts-- and across the country-- for competing as the K-9 Ninja on NBC's monster hit show, American Ninja Warrior. Since he first burst onto the ANW scene six years ago, he's been both competing on the show, as well as raising money for his own foundation that helps find forever homes for deserving dogs. Read More: Rochester's K9 Ninja Will Be Back On National TV This Week
Well, he made it to the semi-finals and, according to Frank Spaeth, Head Men's Soccer Coach and Assistant Athletic Director at Riverland Community College and General Manager and Co-owner at Med City FC, says K-9 Warrior will be coming out for some fun during halftime of their Saturday match.
"And so he's coming to town on Saturday night for a big game and that'll be a lot of fun. With the Rochester youth soccer tournaments going on in town, we're hoping to get a lot of teams to come out Saturday night. Roo Yori will have some of his American ninja warrior gadgets, and we're putting some soccer stuff out and we're gonna do a fun Ninja Warrior Soccer Obstacle Course deal for the kids. "
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The Basics of Meeting K-9 Ninja from American Ninja
What: Med City FC vs Duluth FC
How Much: $10 adult (18 and up), $5 youth. Ages 5/ under free. Tickets HERE
When: 7 - 9 PM Saturday, June 25, 2022
Where: The Rochester Regional Stadium at RCTC in Rochester, Minnesota. (click here for directions)
SPECIAL: Show your Rochesterfest Button for a big discount.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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