Minnesota Beats Out Wisconsin as ‘Best State for Working Moms’

Shocker! Minnesota is NOT the Best State for Working Moms
Right now, I'm sitting at my dining room table with my laptop and all of my work papers laid out as I am "working from home". This seems to be more of my norm lately as COVID is impacting some of our local schools. The juggle of being a working mom is a real struggle but I am thankful I live in a state that is ranked #5 on the list of the best states for working moms. Minnesota isn't perfect for working moms but they did a lot better than some states nearby (cough...cough...Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois).
Best vs. Worst States for Working Moms
Does work-life balance actually exist for working moms?
Personally, I think the word "balance" is kind of like a mythical creature for a working mom. If you find it, I'm not sure anyone would believe you because it is extremely hard to find. And I'll fully admit, it is one of my biggest struggles. If it is yours too, or you've got tips for me to make it happen in my life, shoot me a message over on my Facebook Page - Jessica On The Radio.
Did you know these facts about working moms in the United States?
I'm a huge advocate for women being treated equally in the workforce and I am well aware that we have a long ways to go. Here are a few stats from wallethub.com that show some of the disparities that still exist today:
- Women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce.
- In 2020, nearly 66% of moms with children under age 18 were working.
- When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, women who were moms were initially disproportionately impacted by job losses compared to fathers.
- Average hourly wage for working moms is 85% of what men make.
- Only 6% of S&P 500 companies' chief executives are women.
So, what is it really like working from home with kids?
Oh...let me show you! I took a bunch of photos to show what my day has been like while I'm doing a live show for Y-105FM, recording commercials from my closet, all while my children are distancing learning. And yes, that includes band class with trumpets and trombones. #lovely. Enjoy moments of my #momlife below.
What it is Really Like to Work from Home with Kids
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