This pisses me off so much...

Before I became a father, I would read headlines like this one and feel disgusted that someone would ever do this to their own child. But now that I have my own kid, it absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. Why on God's green Earth would you do something so horrible to something so small and innocent?!

A 23-year-old coward by the name of Jeffrey Ryan Thomas of Brainerd has been charged with the first degree attempted murder of a 4-month-old baby girl.

According to the story by Joe Nelson via GO MN News, he used chemicals normally found in antifreeze and then fed it to her with one of her bottles. Soon after consumption her body began rejecting the poison and she couldn't stop vomiting. She was then rushed to the hospital where she was admitted to emergency care, and then airlifted to Minnesota Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. She spent nearly three weeks in recovery, and was finally released into foster care.

So many thoughts are running through my brain right now on what this guy's punishment should be, but first and foremost I just hope this baby doesn't have any lingering effects from this despicable act.


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