Minnesota Women Share the Worst First Date Questions They’ve Heard
First dates are awkward. It doesn’t matter if you’re meeting for the first time or have known each other for years and finally decided to go out – It’s always kind of weird. You make an effort to impress the person by dressing in clothes that you probably wouldn’t normally wear, you go to a place that you probably don’t frequent, and you talk about things that you usually wouldn’t talk about.
Dating is fun but it can be uncomfortable and sometimes it is downright cringeworthy. We asked Minnesota women about the worst questions they’ve been asked on first dates. The responses, which you can read below, are unbelievable.
Minnesota Women Share the Worst Questions They’ve Heard on First Dates
24 Things Minnesotans Have to Explain to Out-of-Towners
We Minnesotans can really baffle out-of-towners from what we eat to what we say to how we survive winters. Here are some things we have to explain to people from other parts of the country.