Minnesotan Causes A Stir On Season Finale Of The Bachelor
Ope! It's not really like a Minnesotan to cause a big stir. In fact, we are known for being passive aggressive and really, really nice. That's what makes this all the more juicy. Warning: there are spoilers ahead.
The season finale of The Bachelor was last night and if you've been following along thus far, you know that a Becker native named Daisy has been a frontrunner all along. She even made it to the top two and into the finale.
Daisy Makes History By 'Bachelor' Standards
However, she really shook the whole formula on its head in the final episode. Usually, the finalists will do anything it takes to secure that final rose and the supposed love of their life but Daisy did the opposite.
Instead of professing her love and sticking it out, she eliminated herself before Joey could get down on one knee. It's a good thing she did because he ended up proposing to the other finalist!

Why Did She Leave Early?
During the episode, she expressed doubts about her connection with Joey. She even explained to Kelsey, her competition and the only other woman standing, before the final rose ceremony that she knew Kelsey was the one for Joey and not her.
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That definitely takes guts! If you watched this season, you already know how beloved Daisy was and continues to be. However, in the end, her and Joey simply weren't meant to be which leads me to this.
Is Daisy The Next Bachelorette?
Despite rumors to the contrary, Daisy is not the next lead of the franchise. While many thought she would be named the next lead of The Bachelorette, it was revealed on Monday night (March 25th) that Jenn Tran would be the lead, as fellow contestant on the season.
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Why didn't Daisy take the role that was seemingly hers? She alluded while talking to press that she wasn't ready to date or take on such a big commitment. She sure made 'Bachelor' history and made Minnesota proud, too!
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Gallery Credit: Lauren Wells
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