MnDOT has one simple request for all of you that will be traveling today or tomorrow. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is asking travelers to plan ahead by checking road conditions before they begin their trips.

Commissioner Charlie Zelle said, “Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel times of the year and knowing where travel might be delayed or congested will help make the trip safer and less stressful.”

Construction and weather could delay you. According to MnDOT: Travelers in the Twin Cities will continue to see detours, lane reductions and detours for some of the longer term projects. These projects include the I-35W north to I-94 west ramp and the I-94 east to I-35W south ramp, which are closed. From Blaine to Lino Lakes, there is an active work zone with shoulder closures and no shoulders in areas and no cable median barrier along I-35W. Southbound I-35 is reduced to two lanes with narrow shoulders between Highway 8 in Forest Lake and Highway 97 in Columbus.

In Greater Minnesota, Highway 14/15 in New Ulm is still under detour all winter. Two projects on Highway 60 between Cottonwood and Wantonville counties have restricted lanes through Nov. 30.

Weather shouldn't be a factor until this weekend when snow is possible. Travelers are urged to use the 511 traveler information system website and phone app provide road and driving conditions and includes links to the National Weather Service. The system is available at or by dialing 511.

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