Here’s Why Cow On the Loose In Oklahoma MUST Be from Minnesota
Got a problem with a cow on the loose? Call the cowboys in!
In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, a couple of cows broke free from a stockyard and caused a bit of a traffic snarl on Monday. I say it's a Minnesota cow. But first, the story.
Law enforcement knew just who to call....real-life wranglers came in and bing, bang, boom, done! You gotta watch the video. The pictures and video are from KOCO's Sky 5, which was flying overhead and didn't just capture the moment but offered commentary that'll make you love it all even more.
"Get the hinds get the hinds!" Sky Copter Guy
Now, a lot of people are saying it's an Oklahoma cow. And that might be true. But I believe, believe deeply in the cockles of my heart, maybe even the sub-cockle region, that that cow is a Minnesota Cow (or related to one).
Scroll down for just the copter footage.
5 Reasons Epic Escaping Cow MUST Be from Minnesota
Here's just the Cow Copter Footage.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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