Ever hear of the term "backyard" or "garage" dentist before?  They're a lot like mechanics that work out of their own homes, but instead of working on your car, they'll work on your teeth... which can be VERY dangerous.  They're popping up more and more around the U.S. every year.

Why?  Because Americans are so anxious and/or afraid to go to a real dentist.  Most of that comes from fear of the cost alone to go to one.

I remember growing up and having my uncles suggest we use the old "string attached to the bathroom door" trick to get a wobbly tooth out... which I never did by the way!

Well this dude's brother decided to use another dental "skill" to take out a tooth... which could be seen as an effective method too (depending on who you ask).


(WARNING: Contains Adult Language, NSFW)


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