Preston Recognized as a ‘Charming Small Town That’s Well Worth the Visit’
Only in Your State writes about all sorts of cool things you can find in different states around the US. Recently they talked about the great town of Preston that's right here in Southern Minnesota! Only in Your State says that Preston is a "charming small town that's well worth the visit."
They list a variety of reasons for Preston being a great place to visit. One being the Root River that runs through town. Preston is actually considered the Trout Capital of Minnesota.
Only in Your State also mentions the fact that Preston has "interesting historic buildings ... scattered across town, which was platted in 1855. For example, an old grain elevator still stands in Preston. It once loaded grains into trains that traveled all across the country!"
There's also plenty of places to shop and dine in Preston and the scenery is beautiful!
Why do you love to live in or visit Preston?
Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC weekdays 9am-noon!