Pringles Teams Up With Wendy’s To Create Baconator Chips
Come up with a unique flavor and the masses will eat or drink it up. Pepsi has launched a new Pineapple Pepsi for the summer which actually sounds pretty good. Several weeks ago Pringles rolled out Chicken and Waffled flavored Pringles which I sampled and wasn't impressed with. Now, the chip company has apparently teamed up with Wendy's for their latest flavor - Baconator Pringles. The Baconator is the perfect fast-food burger. It's full of different flavors so I'm not sure what these chips will end up tasting like.
No word on when these limited edition chips will be available in stores. Yahoo says, "It appears that there is only one picture of the new limited-edition Pringles Wendy’s Baconator chips. Instagram account @ryanblashka found them at Festival Foods, a grocery store that operates throughout Wisconsin." Hopefully, this trial run goes well so the rest of us can sample the Baconator Pringles too.
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