Rochester Families in Need Get a Thanksgiving Feast
Wow. I think that’s the one word many of us said out loud during the packing event a couple of days before Thanksgiving that CAKE (Caring Acts of Kindness Everywhere) group coordinated. It was because it was awe inspiring to see SO MANY PEOPLE show up to contribute and help pack the Thanksgiving meal boxes for families in need. Looking around the VFW room and seeing all of the volunteers truly was incredible. Someone said they lost count at 70 people. Words cannot convey enough how very special it was to have see a community come together for such a worthwhile effort. Many helped ensure hundreds of people were fed and had a very special thanksgiving meal with all the fixings!
Several local businesses joined the volunteer efforts; Davis Law Firm, PA, Perkins Restaurants, Daube's Cakes and Bakery, Gingerbread House Bakery, Hy-Vee, Bakers Square Restaurants, Great Harvest Bread Co. Rochester, MN all contributed to the boxes. Businesses are often asked a lot for help and to see them continue to help over and over in our community is inspiring.
The Rochester VFW post 1215, was kind enough to host the event in their facility, the commander came down to greet the volunteers and ensure all was well.
Local social workers, case managers and advocates referred families, veterans, elderly folks and individuals that were in need of the thanksgiving meals. Joining forces with many volunteers - some hailing from Rochester, MN Fire Dept. showing up with a turkey! Gamehaven Council - Boy Scouts of America showed up to help and so did Rochester Century High School cheerleaders!
All surplus donations were delivered to Channel One Regional Food Bank and Community Food Response - Rochester, MN.
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