Highway 57 Reconstruction Project In Kasson To Include Two New Roundabouts
Kasson, MN (KROC-AM News) - Work planned for Highway 57 in Kasson includes reconstruction and two roundabouts.

According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation's project's website, the reconstruction work of Highway 57 in Kasson is from Veterans Memorial Highway to 11st NE. Work is planned to start in 2022.
The work includes the addition of one mini roundabout and one roundabout. The roundabout will be located at the intersection of Highway 57 and Dodge County Road 34, while the mini-roundabout will be at the intersection of Highway 57 and Main Street.
Closure and detours are anticipated during construction. The cost of the project is estimated at $6.1 million and benefits include better pavement conditions, safety improvements at a key intersection, and ADA-compliant pedestrian accommodations You can get more details on the project on MnDOT's project site.
MnDOT and the City of Kasson will be hosting an informational meeting for the Hwy 57 reconstruction project on September 30, 2021. It will be held in the Public Forum room at KM High School from 6-7 p.m.
Why Roundabouts?
One reason that MnDOT chooses to use a roundabout is safety. According to MnDOT's roundabout guide roundabouts can dramatically improve safety.
Roundabouts can dramatically improve safety when compared to conventional intersections. A study of 23 intersections converted to roundabouts shows a decrease in total crashes by 39 percent, a decrease in injury crashes of 76 percent, and a dramatic 89 percent decrease in fatal crashes. (“Safety Effects of Roundabout Conversions in the U.S.,” Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
The Minnesota Local Road Research Board created a short video that includes 10 myths about roundabouts that you can view below.
More information on roundabouts and how they can be navigated can be found here.