Runners Give Back in Rochester
They may be the fittest of the fittest but they also give back in a big way. Terraloco, a locally owned run specialty and active lifestyle shop dedicated to giving back to the community, put on a month-long challenge for the running community. Commit acts of kindness and it could come back full circle to one lucky runner. With a hashtag tracking the progress of running good doers #runnersgiveback, the kind acts were fruitful.
One such runner was profiled on the Terraloco blog, Mike Schmitt. Leader of the Pace Team, Schmitt has been active in the community contributing positively in several ways. Scmiitt is the Chair of Friends of the Farmers Market board. Their efforts ensure fresh produce and local commodities are available in Rochester, MN. He also volunteers at his children's school.
Scmitt was given an award during the Runners Give Back Celebration, presented by Terraloco and Caring Acts of Kindness Everywhere group, in recognition of his volunteer efforts and positive contributions to the community.
Terraloco is also a collection site for Toys for Tots. Consider donating a gift to a child in need and you get to take $5 off your $25 purchase. Join the 5K supporting kids in the community on Monday, December 4th at 6pm. Please bring a toy to donate for an extra prize ticket.