Share the Love in Rochester for Teacher’s Appreciation Day [VIDEO]
106.9 KROC and Clements Subaru surprised two preschool teachers in Rochester, Minnesota.
Ms Josephine and Ms.Pam take care of young children every day, but their lessons go beyond the classroom. On May Day, these remarkable teachers braved an outing with their very active little people and took them to Samaritan Bethany Nursing Home to give the residents May Day baskets and painted rocks that looked like lady bugs.
It was the perfect match up - seniors and preschoolers.The kids eagerly entered each room handing over the kid-decorated cups with plants and the lady bug rocks. They were greeted with smiles and gratitude.
Little did these teachers know that their kindness would come full circle. Take a look at their reactions. Priceless!
If you’re not familiar with the Subaru Love Promise, here it is:
The Subaru Love Promise is our pledge to do right by the communities in which we all live and work. We’ve signed it, and throughout the country, our retailers are doing the same. It’s our promise to continue making a positive impact in the world and our neighborhoods.
Know someone that deserves a random act of kindness? Nominate them today.