Minnesota Is Set To Get Another Big Paul Bunyan Statue, But WhereMinnesota Is Set To Get Another Big Paul Bunyan Statue, But WhereFollow the adventure of a Paul Bunyan statue as it travels from Arizona to Minnesota, facing mishaps, restorations, and unexpected reappearances along the way.Paul SheaPaul Shea
Unveiling The Untold History Of The Iconic I94 Building In RogersUnveiling The Untold History Of The Iconic I94 Building In RogersUnveiling the Tale: American Flag Building's Unique Story in Rogers, Minnesota.Paul SheaPaul Shea
Two of America’s Weirdest Roadside Attractions are in WisconsinTwo of America’s Weirdest Roadside Attractions are in WisconsinEach state has at least one weird thing worth going to see. It looks like Wisconsin has two.Sweet LennySweet Lenny