Minnesotan Calls In Bathroom Encounter With AnacondaMinnesotan Calls In Bathroom Encounter With AnacondaNew fear unlocked? New fear unlocked.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
There’s A Minnesota Exotic Fish Store For Sale With Snake Pit In BasementThere’s A Minnesota Exotic Fish Store For Sale With Snake Pit In BasementSome prime real estate in Northern Minnesota is up for sale. The World Of Fish location recently had a price drop. There's more than just exotic fish at this place. Check out the basement!Ken HayesKen Hayes
Shocked Wisconsin Woman Finds Massive Snake In Car EngineShocked Wisconsin Woman Finds Massive Snake In Car EngineI don't have a problem with snakes but I think this situation with a reptile would definitely freak me out.Double TDouble T
Nope! Wisconsin Sheriff Deputies Respond To Giant Snake On Roof CallNope! Wisconsin Sheriff Deputies Respond To Giant Snake On Roof CallNope. Nope nope nope.Ken HayesKen Hayes