‘Take Your Pet to Work Day’ is This Friday!
If you play your cards right, this Friday could arguably be the best work day of the year!
That's because it's Take Your Pet to Work Day!
For some dog owners, it is the one day of the year when they can bring their dog to work with them. For other lucky employees, every day is Take Your Dog to Work Day.
For example, did you know that Amazon headquarters in Seattle is a dog-friendly workplace? It's true.
The holiday originated in the United Kingdom back in 1996. Then in 1999, Pet Sitters International founded the first day in the United States.
Studies have shown that bringing pets to work can increase productivity. So why not give it a try this year!?
Unfortunately (or fortunately for my wallet) I don't own any pets, but if I did I'd try and convince my boss to allow pets to come to work on Friday. However, if you're a boss, don’t be lame and let your employees take their pets to work. It's just one day.
For more information visit takeyourdog.com. The site includes a free downloadable toolkit providing step-by-step instructions for planning a workplace event.